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Creating a digitalised process to support affected members of the community

Using a ‘trauma informed approach’ to build an online process to enable redress using Salesforce Public Sector Solutions.

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Our client has primary responsibility for leading the delivery of support payments to a vulnerable section of the community.

Due to changes in legislation, our client was tasked by Parliament to establish and manage a dedicated redress scheme for members of the community impacted by a long-term environmental hazard, whereby the affected people could apply for payments and services as a redress for past trauma experienced.

The Problem

Our client’s existing mechanism to receive applications for the redress scheme was slow to process as it used manual systems and processes.

This was causing participants to perceive that the scheme had a lack of transparency, and was causing delays in processing redress applications in a timely manner.

Our client needed a solution where people would have trust and have confidence in the scheme to deliver redress in a timely manner.

They needed a solution that delivered an integrated case management system with online applications and a standard process for senior consultants and assessment staff, which meant participants could engage in a seamless way and applications could be processed faster with automated processes and accuracy.

They needed a solution that:

  • Could accept applications for payments and services online,
  • Could automate [some] support services and assessment processes,
  • Could deliver a seamless and efficient experience for participants, whereby they feel their past harm has been acknowledged and they have trust in the scheme,
  • Could deliver a faster, consistent and more accurate application process for scheme staff, along with providing the ‘right’ reporting with ease and speed, to manage case loads effectively.

How did we think differently to deliver?

With our previous experience in dealing with redress scheme solutions, and using Salesforce Public Sector Solutions, Brooke understood what had to be implemented to achieve our clients’ vision. We applied the insights gained from previous redress scheme projects, along with reusability of configured components, to deliver a much faster development cycle for our client.

We understood the importance of the redress process, the critical stakeholder requirements and complexity of their needs, and in particular the ‘trauma informed approach’ of dealing with customers, to deliver on our client’s needs.   

With that in mind, we designed a solution that was participant centric and as such not too heavily automated. We knew that participants and related staff would be more likely to pick up the phone to discuss applications, rather than rely on heavy automation to progress.

As part of the design and build we also understood the importance of fairness in and reportability of the process.

We knew success was achieved when

  • The digital solution was implemented and processing applications,
  • The staff were confidently working in the Salesforce platform to manage their case load,  
  • The scheme staff were using the same processes and could process applications faster and more accurately, and access reporting and dashboards with ease and speed
  • Participants had a seamless and efficient experience, and reported a good experience in the system,
  • Participants felt confident in the scheme

Products implemented

  • Salesforce Public Sector Foundation [PSF]
  • Salesforce Service Cloud
  • Salesforce Outbounds Funds Management – great for tracking funds
  • Salesforce OmniStudio
  • Experience Cloud
  • ‘Foundation/OmniStudio Document Generation’
  • Using OmniStudio has allowed Brooke to deliver an accelerated outcome, as we can build on components.

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